Thursday 28th November, 2024


An evening for all Wellingtonians
It's tough out there

Let's do something to show we care

It's simple:

Who to give your extra ticket to?

It is entirely up to you.

We recommend someone you know, that is struggling though these tough Wellington times. Maybe an ex--colleague made redundant, a hospitality worker no longer in employment, or just that person you know needs a night out.

Why would I buy a ticket to a bar that is usually free?

Valid question, but don' forget you are not buying one ticket but TWO. You are doing this to show support, to tell someone you care about them. 

You're also getting a whole evening of entertainment, opportunities to connect, and maybe help your person get out of the tough times. That is why you're buying a ticket, sorry, two tickets.

Why do I care?

Great question, why do you?

Why an event?

There have been many words written, many conversations hand in the diminishing number of Wellington cafes about the central government redundancies and their ripple effects across everyone.

This event is a chance to DO something and not just talk. We want to throw a stone to start ripples of action, hope, and love - join us.

Why are the tickets $32?

Back in 1964 our venue's building stopped being the public toilets known as the "Taj Mahal" [source].

1964 ... 64 ÷ 2 = 32 ... that's why the tickets are $32 each.

Who gets the money?

This is a non-profit event, all money through ticket sales and (hopefully) sponsorship goes into the event.

The more sales, the more support can be given - bigger prizes, on-going support, more entertainment, it's all within our power to show so much aroha to our fellow Wellingtonians struggling through these tough times.

Want to help by sponsoring, please get in touch with Mike -